New Pastor’s Class Offered—
Freed in Christ:
Race, Ethnicity and Culture
The Pastor’s Class will be exploring the ELCA Social Statement “Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity and Culture” in a 7-week series from January 9 through February 20 during Faith Connections from 9:30-10:20 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture expresses the ELCA’s calling to celebrate culture and ethnicity. This calling commits the ELCA to confront racism, to engage in public leadership, witness and deliberation on these matters, and to advocate for justice and fairness for all people. The statement is grounded in the conviction that the church has been gathered together in the joyful freedom of the reign of God as announced by and embodied in Jesus. That reign has not come in its fullness, but the message of God’s yes to the world breaks down all dividing walls as we live into that promise.
Sign up at the Hospitality Desk or contact the office if you’d like to participate in this class (perfect attendance not mandatory!) or receive a copy of the statement to explore on your own time. Join us in this holy and challenging calling to live as the Body of Christ together. Together, we will practice loving discourse and even disagreement with one another that honors the dignity of all our siblings in Christ.