God’s Work. Our Hands. Clean Windows

The Social Ministry Committee invites all St. Matt members and friends to share their time and talents, to perform a kindness by cleaning windows at Utz Terrace.

  • Saturday, September 9, 9 a.m. to noon but please arrive by 8:30-8:45 to get prepared and ready to begin promptly at 9 a.m.
  • SpiriTrust is located at 2100 Utz Terrace, Hanover (near Walmart) across from the UPMC medical building
  • Snacks and supplies will be provided by SpiriTrust
  • Enter from Fairview Avenue, make an immediate first right, which is the main building and parking area. Park in available spaces and enter the main building to meet in the lobby, next to the receptionist/check-in area.
  • Contact Deb Riddle, 717-633-5678 and leave a message that you plan to be there and mention if anyone else will attend with you.  (Invite family members and friends!) All are welcome!