Call Committee Recommends Candidate
The Congregation Council is calling a Special Congregation Meeting immediately following our 10:45 service on August 15, 2021. The Call Committee has finished its work and has recommended Taylor Berdahl as a candidate to Congregation Council for the position of Associate Pastor at St. Matthew. The Council has interviewed and is recommending her to the congregation. A special “Meet and Greet” session with the candidate will be held on Saturday, August 14, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The candidate will preside and preach at one combined service at 10:45 a.m. on August 15. The Saturday evening (5:00 p.m.) and Drive-In Sunday (9:00 a.m.) services will be cancelled for that weekend so that we may all gather at the 10:45 service.
After this service, a Special Congregation Meeting will be held to vote on extending a call to the candidate. We encourage all members to be here on this special day. Both the Call Committee and Council are excited about the future of our congregation as we prayerfully move forward.
If, because of the pandemic, you do not feel comfortable attending an indoor gathering, arrangements via radio transmission to the parking lot can be made. Please contact the church office at 717-637-7101 or for more information.
Taylor’s biographical profile has been mailed to all members. If you do not receive one in the next few days, please contact the church office, 717-637-7101, or and one can be emailed, mailed or it can be picked up in the office.