Another Corny October
It is that time of year…with Thanksgiving soon, our Corn Drive Began Sunday, October 1 and continues through the month of October! We will be collecting cans of corn for New Hope Ministries to use in their Thanksgiving Meal Kits for community families. The goal this year for St. Matthew is 1,000 cans of corn! Can you help us make or beat that goal? There will be a bin in the Gathering Place for you to drop your corn. If you would prefer to make a financial donation, please make check payable to St. Matthew Lutheran Church and put Canned Corn in the memo line or put cash in an envelope and write Canned Corn on the outside of the envelope.
To get into the Spirit, let’s have some fun…send us your “Corniest Joke” to share throughout the month. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Amy Beck.