Youth — Serving in Jesus’ Name
If you are in 6th through 12th grades, you are one of our YOUTH! Even if you have never attended a youth event, we welcome YOU! It is a safe place to join other Christian youth, and be supported in leading a life aware of the many blessings given to you from God, and helping to make a difference in our world.
Youth Nights are typically twice monthly on the first and third Sundays in the Youth Suite, rooms 303 & 304. During the summer, meeting days and/or times may change, and special family activities are added.
To be included in our "Remind" texts, please contact Tim Peck at 717-637-7101 or e-mail Remind texts will give you updated times and locations for events and links to Zoom meetings.
Check out some of the ways we involve our young people at St. Matthew by using the links in the sidebar to the right.
Active Bible Study

Outdoor Fun

Christmas and New Year's Parties


Trunk or Treat for Ruth's Harvest

Building Relationships with God and Friends