Handbells at St. Matthew


St. Matthew Ringers is an adult bell choir for intermediate level ringers. They rehearse on Thursday evenings, 7:00 - 8:00 pm. They ring in worship several times a year, and participate at Area II and Area III AGEHR festivals.

Beginner Bells is occasionally offered as a mini-session (4 weeks) once each year in the spring to introduce adults and high school youth to the art of handbell ringing. This “just for fun” group learns the various handbell techniques and prepares a piece or two for their own enjoyment.


Junior Bell Choir is for children in grades 4-6, and meets as part of the Junior vocal choir experience. They rehearse Tuesdays, 4:30- 5:15 p.m. and learn music basics such as note reading, rhythm, dynamics, and bell techniques. They ring in worship occasionally and participate in a youth handbell festival in the spring.