Leaning Into God's Blessings
Women’s Retreat at St. Matthew

Saturday, March 2, 2024   9 am - 3 pm

Guest Speaker: Leanne Hadley

Leanne is an ordained elder in the UMC, national and international spiritual retreat leader, advocate for children and adults, writer, consultant, mentor, founder of First Steps Spirituality Center, podcaster and her newest ministry, Pieta (https://www.leanne-hadley.com/).

Join us, invite a friend and come to the Upper Room, taking the stairs or the elevator to the second floor at St. Matthew, 30 W. Chestnut St., Hanover. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Cost is $25. Child care can be provided. Sign-up forms are on the bulletin tear off, on the Hospitality Desk and online. Space is limited so sign up by Sunday, February 25.

Contact the church office at info@stmattlutheran.org for more information. For those who prefer a hard copy of the registration form, they are available at the Hospitality Desk at St. Matthew.

Online Registration is available by selecting the button below.