Registration Begins for Children’s Choirs
It is now time to register for our 2021-22 children’s choirs. The children will discover how to match pitch and sing beautifully; learn traditional and contemporary songs as well as Disney, folksongs and some Broadway/movie songs; use music and motion to expand their creative development; learn to read music as they ring handbells and choir chimes; develop eye to hand and memory skills; play our Orff instruments; as well as work with puppets, enjoy team building, and offer their music in worship. The Junior Choir will get to ring handbells as a regular part of the rehearsals.
We strive to provide our children with an understanding of God, His church, service to others and offer an introduction to Jesus through Bible stories and song. Our choirs provide the children an excellent start towards a life-long love for music as we plant seeds in their faith journey.
We look forward to having your children in our Music Ministry this fall. Keep in mind we can often make transportation arrangements for your children. Possible exceptions for age groupings can be made for children who need to move into another choir due to time conflicts. We want as many children as possible to participate. Feel free to call the church office with any questions, 717-637-7101.
Please send the Registration Form in ASAP and definitely by September 1 so music/supplies can be ordered. Mark your calendars for our 1st rehearsal. Please invite friends who don’t have a church to be part of our program. Our choirs meet in the Children’s Rehearsal Room located in the basement of the church. Enter by using the door on N. Franklin Street by the stop sign. We are looking forward to a great year!
The children’s choirs will meet as follows
Pre-School Music Makers (ages 3, 4, 5, Kindergarten) – Thursday 6:15-7:00 P.M.
Rehearsals begin Thursday, September 23. Pre-School children must be age 3 by September 1.
Primary Choir (Grades 1, 2 and 3 if needed K5 could be in this group) – Wednesday 4:20- 5:00 P.M.
Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 22
These choirs will overlap for 15 minutes so we can have joint experiences and music opportunities
Junior Choir and Handbells (Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) – Wednesday 4:45 – 5:30 P.M.
Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 22.