In addition to Faith Connections, there are many other opportunities for children and youth from birth to sixth grade to be involved at St. Matthew.
The Pray-Ground is held during the 10:30 am service. This space was created for children 10 years of age and younger. While in the Pray-Ground, children will learn a Bible Story, participate in discussion, engage in activities, prayer, and free time to do an activity of their choice. It is the hope that this space provides a learning environment for children to learn about the love of God.
At St. Matthew, the church community places an emphasis on recognizing milestones within the lives of our babies/children/youth. These milestones allow for these individuals to learn about the milestone that they are experiencing as well as celebrate with the congregation. Below are the current milestones that are celebrated within our church.
Holy Communion Milestone
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is an important part of an individual’s spiritual journey. While the Holy Communion Milestone is primarily focused on children in 3rd grade, anyone that has not had the opportunity to learn about the Sacrament of Holy Communion and celebrate being able to receive this Sacrament is able to participate. This Milestone starts with 4 sessions learning about Holy Communion. This milestone is celebrated on Maundy Thursday during the church service.
Bible Milestone
The excitement of receiving a Bible is one that is often indescribable. For children in 4th grade, the Bible Milestone celebrates the experience of receiving a Bible and learning about how to use it. This milestone has a class in which the Bible is discussed and the 4th graders learn about how to find various scripture verses and the various additional information that can be found in the Bible. The Bibles are presented to the 4th graders during the church service to celebrate the milestone with the rest of the congregation.
One of the favorite activities for our children is Vacation Bible School, which kicks off summer vacation in June. You can find out more about this fun week by going to EDUCATION on our website.
Music Programs
There is a very active music program which begins with Music Makers for children ages 3 to 5. Primary Choir for Kindergarten through grade 2, and Junior Choir for grades 3 through 6. Visit MUSIC on our website to learn more about our children’s choirs and the rehearsal times.
Puppet Ministry
Mini-Minister Puppets is an exciting and fun ministry. Children in sixth grade are eligible to participate in this group which is also composed of youth in grades 7-12. You can also find more information about our puppets by visiting MUSIC on this website.
There are church-wide events throughout the year that have entertainment for children, and some are specifically planned for children. For example: Breakfast at the Manger is planned for children and held during Sunday School in December. On Palm Sunday, there is an Easter Egg Hunt which is held after a church-wide lunch. At the Advent Social in December, a favorite entertainment for children was a “live story” of The Polar Express. These are just 3 examples. Be sure to check the News section of this website so that you don’t miss one of these fun events.