“There is a Connection for You.”
Sundays 9:30-10:25 a.m.
Engaging Christians of all ages in meaningful connections with God, community and the world through learning and fellowship. Join in various Faith Connections offerings based on age and interest. Sundays at 9:30 – 10:20 am September through April.
For more information, please contact Melissa Smith, Children and Family Ministry Coordinator. msmith@stmattlutheran.org
717-637-7101 ext. 229.
Children and Youth Connections
Preschool Connections
For children ages 3, 4 and 5 years old not yet in Kindergarten. We will gather downstairs in the Nursery Room. They will spend time together learning and exploring Bible stories as told in the Frolic Preschool Bible. Kids can expect to play, do crafts, read stories, pray and sing.
Elementary Connections
For children who are in kindergarten – 5th grade. We will gather downstairs in their Faith Connections room. Kids can expect to make friends, learn stories and memorize verses, try some crafts and activities, and leave with a Family Page to continue making connections at home.
Lower Elementary (K – 2nd grade) will spend time together learning and exploring Bible stories as told in the Spark Story Bible.
Upper Elementary (3rd – 5th grade) will spend time learning to look up and read together the Bible stories in their Spark Story Bibles.
Middle School Connections
For youth who are in 6th – 8th grade. We will gather together upstairs in one side of the Youth Suite. We will spend time together preparing to affirm our faith in the milestone of Confirmation. Kids can expect to build relationships with their peers and leaders and explore what it means to be Lutheran and Christian.
High School Connections
For youth who are in 9th – 12th grades. We will gather on the Second Sunday of each month upstairs in the Youth Suite to spend time together. We will engage in discussions connecting world events with the Bible, faith and everyday life.
Parent Connections
For any who are parenting children of all ages, you are invited to join an informal gathering downstairs in the stilling area. Parents (and parent figures) can expect to share joys and challenges with one another and hold caring conversations about faith practices for personal life, family life and child development. Coffee and light refreshments are available.
Adult Connections
Pastor’s Class
Adults can gather in the Upper Room on the 2nd floor (use steps or elevator by the glass doors). A variety of short term series will be offered by different pastors from St. Matthew and the community. Pastors and other leaders will teach topics on Lutheran concepts, Biblical themes and faith as it relates to daily life.
Generations Class
Adults can gather in the Parlor (right off the Gathering Place). This class uses a digital resource called Wired Word. The leader uses this for discussion on current everyday events and how they connect with scripture and our daily walk in Christian Life.