Council Update — June 14, 2023
The Search Committee for the Minister of Music has been at work for the past couple of months. They are determined to find the best candidate possible to carry on the tradition of excellence in our Music Program. The Committee members are as follows:
John Mancini (Chair), Lindsay Amspacher, Dennis Axline, Ruth Erb, Rollie Kunde, Nancy Leister
Flow Chart Reflecting Status of Minster of Music Search Process
The following people will be on the Call Committee for finding our next Associate Pastor. They are
Kim Cherry, Kit Curlen, Mike Jones, Andy Nace, Barb Rupp, Aaron Smith, Gracie Troup (Youth Representative)
Please keep both committees in your prayers as they assume this responsibility for our Church.
At the June Congregational Council meeting, the following occurred:
- Deb Smith was hired as the interim Youth Music Director beginning August 1
- Lindsay (Zumbrum) Amspacher was hired as the interim Pre-School and Primary Choir Director beginning August 1