The First Christmas Pageant

CHRISTMAS PAGEANT! This is a celebratory time where the children of St. Matthew can assist in sharing the Good News of Jesus’ birth. The Children’s Christmas Pageant is a great opportunity for children from 3-18 years of age to tell of the joy of Christmas. The pageant is titled The First Christmas.

Rehearsals will occur during Faith Connections from 9:30-10:20am on November 12th and 19th. December 3rd, we will hold rehearsal during Children’s Church at the 10:30 service.  Dress rehearsal will be December 10th during Faith Connections from 9:30-10:20.  The pageant will be performed on December 17th at 9:30am.

If you want to have your child(ren) be a part of this cherished tradition at St. Matthew or would like to volunteer your

time as an adult to help put this pageant on, please let Melissa Smith, Children and Family Ministry Coordinator, know either in person or via email,