Pentecost is portrayed by the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove in the upper center lancet. The tongues of fire are above the Apostles gathered in the upper room. The enclosure is in warm reds and purples, emphasizing the warmth of the Spirit. A rich band of blue glass encompasses much of the dove and flames, and flows through all the windows, symbolizing the spiritual force of the third person of the Trinity.
A watery turquoise band of color in the lower section ties this area together, symbolizing the acts of the Spirit through the works of man.
Beneath the Pentecost scene, in the center, is St. Paul, the great missionary of the church. His traditional symbol, the “Sword of the Spirit,” is in his hand, and below is a ship, and Eastern and Western architecture, signifying the extent of his missionary venture. The pillared temple recalls Athens where he preached the Sermon on Mars Hill (Acts 17:16-34).
On the left is Athanasius, the Church Father of the 4th Century, who clearly enunciated the doctrine of the Trinity at the Council of Nicea in 325. Symbols of the Trinity are depicted below: the hand of God the Father, the Cross of God the Son, and the dove of God the Holy Spirit, all joined by the triangle.
The figure on the right is St. Augustine of Hippo, clothed in Bishop’s miter and robes, and holding a crozier. His symbol, the flaming heart transfixed by arrows, is superimposed on the cross beneath. This represents his penitence for his youthful sins.
The Star of David and the Cross, in the top tracery, symbolize the Old and New Covenants. The star and cross represent the Judeo-Christian origin of the Holy Christian Church.