Grace to you, and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Welcome to St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Thank you for visiting our website!
We invite you to join us as we grow in our relationship with God, our Lord Jesus, and with one another. We are a community of faith, called together by the Holy Spirit through our Baptism into Christ. We come and are reconciled to God and to one another as we confess our sins and hear the words of forgiveness and absolution. We come and meet friends as we engage in mutual conversation and consolation. We come and are fed and nourished by the Word of God and by the Holy Supper. We come to offer our praise and thanksgiving to God, who has given us life and called us into God's Holy family, the Church. From this place we go, equipped to love and serve our neighbor in the name of Jesus Christ, and to share with others the good news of his Resurrection.
We invite you to come again and again. Come, join us as together we learn what it means to be the Body of Christ in the world. Come, join us as we share our joys, our burdens, and our sorrows. Come, join us as we have fun and fellowship together; where we find refreshment for our thirsty souls in the living water; where we find the peace that passes all understanding; where we are filled with a joy that pain or death cannot destroy; where we find wholeness and healing. Come where we see Jesus, the Lord of Life, whose arms reach out from the cross to embrace us in love, and whose resurrection shows forth the victory of love. Simply put, COME, FIND LIFE with us here at St. Matthew.