Worship Assistance Training for Confirmation Students

Liturgy means “the work of the people,” and it means so much to our understanding of worship as Lutherans. Worship always happens because of lots of “work of the people,” and we are asking our confirmation students to learn the different roles that are involved in worship leadership and try out sharing their unique gifts through some of these roles. During our regular class time on Sunday mornings, confirmation students will have the opportunity (along with other members of the church of all ages) to attend trainings for different worship assistant roles. Each time, they will get to choose between a more “front facing” role or a more “behind the scenes” role. (See schedule below.) Throughout the school year (between the months of September and May), we ask that each confirmation student sign up to shadow a worship assistant in one or more of these roles at least 3 times, and sign up to be a worship assistant at least 3 times. This can be done through the church office. The schedule for the trainings is as follows

10/02/22 Assisting Ministers and Greeters

Assisting ministers lead the congregation in various prayers during worship. Greeters welcome worshipers to the church building.

10/16/22 Cross Bearers & Torch Bearers and Altar Guild

Cross bearers & torch bearers process the cross and candles into worship on high holidays in the church year. Members of the altar guild prepare our worship spaces according to the changing liturgical seasons.

11/06/22 Ushers

Ushers help the service run smoothly by directing people to seats and to Communion among other responsibilities.

11/13/22 Communion Assistants and Communion Preparers

Communion assistants serve Communion to worshipers alongside the pastor(s). Communion preparers gather and prepare the elements and dishware to be used during Communion.

12/04/22 Lectors and Livestream Operators

Lectors read scripture lessons in worship. Livestream operators run the video and slideshow for the livestream of worship each week.

Parents and caregivers, please take some time to sit down with your student and pick out which trainings they’d like to attend and what roles they might like to shadow. Then, contact the office about pairing your student up with a worship assistant to shadow. This is something you can do with them, too, as our trainings are open to all ages. Learning together, especially about a life of faith, creates memories and strengthens relationships.