Organist Dan Miller to Play in
St. Matthew Concert Series

Dan Miller, an internationally renowned musician, will be playing at St. Matthew on Sunday, October 6, at 4 pm, as part of the on-going St. Matthew Concert Series. He has taught music, conducted choirs and orchestras, and managed large concert productions and music conferences. He is respected as an innovative leader in handbells. Mr. Miller is well-known for his composing and arranging and has several published works. He has been seen and heard live in concert and through recordings on radio, television, and the internet. He has been the featured solo organist with several symphony orchestras. Dan Miller has recorded 22 organ compact discs. Mr. Miller is in his 25th year at Rodgers Instruments, one of the world’s leading organ builders, in Hillsboro, Oregon, as Rodgers Artist and Tonal Professional. He also is an Adjunct Professor of Organ at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon.

A church organist since age fifteen, Dan Miller has served at several notable churches. At Calvary Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, he presided over the world’s thirteenth largest pipe organ; at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, he served as assistant organist to Diane Bish. Currently Dan is the Organist for St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Beaverton, Oregon. He also serves many churches nationwide as Guest Organist for their worship services.

Mr. Miller holds a Church Music Diploma from Moody Bible Institute. He majored in organ performance at the American Conservatory of Music, holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Florida Atlantic University, and a Master of Music degree in Organ Performance from Winthrop University. Dan and his wife live in Hillsboro, Oregon. They have two children and four grandchildren. For more information about Dan Miller and to order CDs, please visit his website:


“You don’t even have to be a fan of organ music to be utterly amazed by Dan Miller. He is absolutely one of the best organists in the world. Dan hails from North Carolina originally and was director of music at the huge Calvary Church in Charlotte. He oversaw the installation of the Calvary Church organ (13th largest in the world) and the sound of this instrument alone demonstrates Dan’s capabilities. Dan now works for Rodgers Organs in Hillsboro, Oregon; he is responsible for the quality and sound of their products. If you’ve heard a Rodgers Organ lately, you’ll know a genius is behind them! Dan played two concerts in the Toronto/Hamilton areas last year and if you weren’t there, you missed the experience of a lifetime!
The Toronto Organ Club

“Miller’s finesse and technical virtuosity are truly amazing – he combines musical sensitivity with beautifully controlled flamboyance. From the straightforward voicing of Bach’s Toccata & Fugue in d to the very complex registrations in Reger’s Fantasy and Fugue on “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star”, this recording will keep you spellbound throughout. A must buy for every audiophile, and for anyone who likes the sound of a large pipe organ.”
Stereophile magazine, “Records to Die For”“

…unbelievably inspiring music…”
The Charlotte Observer

…considerable technical finesse…sensitive phrasing…”
Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel

“There is the added joy of having the organ presided over by one of the finest of the young organists of the generation. Dan Miller is not only vastly musical and superbly gifted, but he understands this magnificent new instrument and uses it to its fullest potential. I urge you to hear this unbeatable combination.”
The American Organist

“When you listen to Dan Miller play the organ, you definitely feel like you’re in Heaven. The awesomeness of Dan’s music is only rivaled by the awesomeness of his career.”
Beaverton Christian Church

“Dan Miller on the Rodgers Organ was unbelievable!”
The Hillsboro Argus


Dan Miller was exceptional in personality, person-ability and of course, performance. His manner and interaction with the folks, his programming and performance, and his demonstrated expertise with affability will, without a doubt, enhance the product and reputation of Rodgers in our “neighborhood.”

His manner with all the groups he dealt with was impeccable. He met them where they were, engaged them, helped them and made them laugh while doing it! Dan led the workshop sessions and presented the concert artfully, even managing transitions with consummate skill! Of course, his command of subject matter and performance at the organ were also stupendous!

Dan’s sensitivity to the congregation by playing their requested favorites for the concert was outstanding. I observed smiles and tears all throughout the evening…these people were blessed!

I want you to know that Dan did a magnificent job conducting the workshop and performing the dedication concert this past weekend. Dan also played the 11am Sunday service and the congregation gave him a standing ovation. He brought many to tears with his deeply moving and creative hymn interpretations. He is an artist of the highest order.

Dan did a wonderful job both in presenting the organ in the workshop and in the concert. He never crossed the line in making the event too much a commercial, but he was very clear that the instrument was a Rodgers, and he gave ample reasons why he considers it to be the premiere instrument in its class. The organ was exciting, and several people commented that they had no idea that an organ could be so versatile.