Please Read Before Completing Form
Make certain you provide only the information that you choose to have included int he directory.
By submitting this Registration Form, you authorize the inclusion of each individual listed on this form, into the St. Matthew Lutheran Church online subscription to Instant Church Directory; as well as for print copies which may from time to time be produced from the online edition. Further, you authorize publication of the information provided, as well as photos submitted for inclusion with your family listing.
You will be notified via email or mail as soon as your listing has been entered into the on-line directory. Once listed, you may submit a photo for inclusion with your listing. Instructions will be given for the following:
1. How to access the directory from your home computer.
2. How to create a log-in for the Instant Church Directory
3. How to download the Instant Church Directory app for your Android or Apple mobile device.
4. How and where to submit a photo
If you have any questions at all or need assistance with obtaining or submitting a digital photo for the directory, please contact us at We will contact you and make arrangements with you to sit for a picture and to upload the photo to the directory.
Thank you.