Confirmation of Baptism
We invite our teens to publicly affirm their baptism through the Confirmation Milestone, typically in the fall of their freshman year of High School. In preparation for that milestone, we hope they will participate in our 3-year confirmation program in 6th-8th grades. Our hope is that through the confirmation program, students will
- build relationships with peers and others in their faith community,
- learn more about God and what it means to be part of the church, and
- start developing an ownership of their faith.
The Confirmation Milestone is more of a beginning than a graduation, and Affirmation of Baptism is a worship ritual that can be revisited throughout the changing seasons of life. (For instance, that’s what we use in worship when new members join!) The 3 topics/themes on rotation are:
- Lutheran Living & Catechism (2023-2024)
- Bible (2024-2025)
- Worship (2022-2023)
For additional information, please contact Pastor Alex (