Recent Sermons
Did you miss worship this past week (or perhaps the week before)? Maybe you want to hear the sermon a second time. If that is the case you have come to the right place. Here you will find video of the most recent sermons either for yourself or to share with someone else.
I Love to Tell The Story
Third Sunday After Pentecost
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
June 13, 2021
Second Sunday After Pentecost
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
June 6, 2021
“The Sound of the Lord God” Genesis 3:8
Trinity Sunday
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
May 30, 2021
“You must be born from above” John 3:7
Filled with the Holy Spirit
Day of Pentecost
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
May 23, 2021
”All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit“ Acts 2:4
Protect Them in Your Name
Seventh Sunday of Easter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
May 16, 2021
”Protect them in your name“ John 17:11
Abide in My Love
Sixth Sunday of Easter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
May 9, 2021
Abide in My Love
I am the Vine
Fifth Sunday of Easter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
May 2, 2021
I am the Good Shepherd
Fourth Sunday of Easter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
April 25, 2021
I am the Good Shepherd
Have You Anything There to Eat?
Third Sunday of Easter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
April 18, 2021
Have You Anything There to Eat?
Peace Be With You
Second Sunday of Easter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
April 11, 2021
Peace be With You
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
April 4, 2021
Christ is Risen. He is Risen, Indeed!
We are now offering online worship participants the opportunity to join in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. With each service posted, we will provide instructions on how to prepare the elements for worship. You may use your own wine or grape juice together with bread or crackers. Consider placing the bread on a plate and using a cup or individual juice glass. Communion packets are also available for your use. You may stop by the St. Matthew Church office to pick them up or call 717-637-7101 or e-mail
In the mystery of Holy Communion, our Lord is truly present in the words spoken and the elements received whether we are at church or in our homes.
Good Friday at St. Matthew
Community Good Friday Service
Hanover Community Good Friday Service
April 2, 2001
Traditionally, each year the Hanover Area Council of Churches Ministerium offers a community Good Friday worship service. This year, of course, it was impossible to safely hold an in-person service with choirs, preachers and worshippers coming and going in and out of the same spaces. So, the Ministerium is offering this worship video to mark this most solemn of days. Please join us for this online Community Good Friday service focused on the Seven Last Words of Christ.
Maundy Thursday
Palm Sunday
March 28, 2021
"Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!"
Marked for Life
You Can Never Tell:
The Resurrection of Jesus
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
Mid-Week Lenten Service
Marked for Life, Session 6
Another Fine Mess: The Passion of Jesus
March 31, 2021
Sixth and Final Session in the Marked for Life Series.
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Marked for Life
Another Fine Mess:
The Passion of Jesus
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
Mid-Week Lenten Service
Marked for Life, Session 5
Another Fine Mess: The Passion of Jesus
March 24, 2021
Fifth session in the Marked for Life Series.
Download or Print a Service Bulletin
Download or Print Bible Study Guide (for Zoom Bible Study following the service)
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
March 21, 2021
Broken Open to Yield New Life
Marked for Life
Will the Real Jesus Rise Up:
The Mystery of Jesus' Identity
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
Mid-Week Lenten Service
Marked for Life, Session 4
Will the Real Jesus Rise Up: The Mystery of Jesus' Identity
March 17, 2021
Fourth session in the Marked for Life Series.
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Download or Print Bible Study Guide (for Zoom Bible Study following the service)
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Pastor M. David Kiel
March 14, 2021
Holy. Pure. Perfect. Unshakable.
Marked for Life
With Friends Like These... :
The Disciples in the Gospel of Mark
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
Mid-Week Lenten Service
Marked for Life, Session 3
With Friends Like These...: The Disciples in the Gospel of Mark
March 10, 2021
Third session in the Marked for Life Series.
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Third Sunday of Lent
Jesus is on the Scene
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
March 7, 2021
Marked for Life
The Plot Thickens:
Conflict and Controversy in Jesus' Ministry
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
Mid-Week Lenten Service
Marked for Life, Session 2
The Plot Thickens: Conflict and Controversy in Jesus' Ministry
March 3, 2021
Second session in the Marked for Life Series.
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Second Sunday of Lent
The Paradox of A Well-Lived Life
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
February 28, 2021
Marked for Life
This Changes Everything:
An Introduction to the Gospel of Mark
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
Mid-Week Lenten Service
February 24, 2021
First session in the Marked for Life Series.
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Ash Wednesday
Pastor Mark Vitalis Hoffman
February 17, 2021
Once you are Marked for Life, this changes everything.
Now You See It
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
February 14, 2021
These days, it is easy to be annoyed, puzzled and confused. The early disciples certainly were. But, there are moments of clarity - moments when we are able to see clearly through the gray days of uncertainty and catch a glimpse of the light of God's true presence. It happened to Pastor Kathy and it can happen for us. But we need to remain focused and "look through" what is often right in front of us. So it is with the case with the cross of Christ. We must look through the ordeal of the crucifixion to catch a glimpse of the reality of the outstretched arms of God welcoming us into His embrace.
A Quiet Place
Pastor M. David Kiel
February 7, 2021
Many times we feel overwhelmed and hope begins to falter. There are times we need to go to a quiet place to remind ourselves of God's presence. Jesus did this. It kept him on track. It gave him strength and peace and comfort. But unlike our Lord, the simplest of things distract us from seeking God's assurance. Pastor David encourages us to remember that no matter what, we are always in the palm of God's hand. So, don't ever forget to retire to that quiet place to be renewed and restored.
Another Way of Knowing
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
January 31, 2021
Demons are tricky. They frequently masquerade as knowledge, leading us down a path of self-righteousness. We become, as the Apostle Paul tells us and Pastor Kathy reminds us, "puffed up," convinced that we know better than "they do." But Jesus casts out demons and God wants us to know that this same power is available to us. Demons know this and do their best to keep us confused and divided. Now you know. So, if ever there was a time, now is the time to use the power we have been given.
Follow the Dream
Pastor David Kiel
January 24, 2001
This week Pastor David has us focus on just exactly what it means when Jesus asks us: "Follow Me." And whom is he calling anyway? Does the call go out only to those we deem worthy? Or is God calling each and every one of us? And if and when we hear that call, do we follow without hesitation, like those first fishermen disciples, or are we easily distracted? But one thing is certain. When we do hear that call and follow, our lives are changed forever and we discover an abundance of life beyond our wildest dreams.
Do You Know Your Story -
Your Whole Story?
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
January 17, 2021
We all think we know our own life stories, right? After all, it is our life? But do we really see the whole picture? Although we may not realize it, oftentimes we don't see everything and miss many of the important details. Sometimes we need help to see things in a new way. Pastor Kathy reminds us that there is always more to our story than we may think, especially when we realize that our story is really part of a much larger one - a bigger story, a better story - part of God's story.
Who Are You Going To Listen To?
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
Baptism of Our Lord
January 10, 2021
On this Baptism of Our Lord Sunday, Pastor Kathy asks each of us, in the midst of the chaos, division and disagreement which swirls around us - "Who are we going to listen to?" Who are we going to trust? What we believe so often depends on who we hear. In the midst of all the noise and confusion, it is God's voice we must seek, calling us to renew our own baptismal vows to denounce the devil and the powers of evil. God's voice beckons us forward and, like the Magi on Epiphany, we are called to go forward in new ways, in the way of love.
So, What Will You Do?
Pastor David Kiel
January 3, 2021
Pastor David asks us, "What do you do when you get really excited about something. How do you respond?" And make no mistake about it, what God has done for us through Jesus Christ is something we can all get excited about - all of us. We need to recognize the wonderful gift. We need to get excited and then respond. We need to invite those who need that excitement in their lives into our lives and into the love of God.
A Morning After
Pastor Kathy Vitalis Hoffman
December 27, 2020
For many, the magic of Christmas does not last and the morning after often ushers in a post Holiday Slump. And this year, adding insult to injury, we can top it off with the Pandemic Slump. But Pastor Kathy urges us to look beyond those empty packages - all the way to the empty tomb. For Easter is part of the Christmas story. Easter is the ultimate Morning After. Jesus has moved out of the manger and into our lives to assure us that there is no escape from the love of God.
Christmas Eve Service
Pastors Kathy Vitalis Hoffman, David Kiel & Faye Snyder
December 24, 2020
There is so much that is different about Christmas this year with the ways we celebrate and worship. The message is the same and what it means for us is as important as ever. In Pastor Kathy's message she reminds us of the wonder and helps us see the surprises of the Christmas story as experienced by Imogene Herdman in the book by Barbara Robinson, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Tucked in this story is a word---Behold! It is a word that puts us on hold so that we stop what else we are doing and perk up, lean in and pay attention to what is happening. Behold!