Welcoming All to Worship
(We continue our Saturday evening worship at 5:00 p.m.)
8:30 Drive-In Worship (Parking Lot)
and 10:30 Indoor Worship
For Pre-School and Elementary age children to leave the service for their own experience of church that includes a Bible story, prayer, songs and play.
Sunday Worship Service
Click here to view or download a bulletin.
To view more St. Matthew worship services,
visit our Recent Services page.
Day Camp is Coming
Summer fun for elementary age youth entering grades 1-5 this fall. This is a 5-day program, June 20-24, 2022, 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. The camp is organized by Camp Nawakwa Lutheran Bible Camp for fun, worship, Bible study, games, nature study, singing, recreation, meeting new friends and sharing!
Follow this link to fill out a registration form and then make a $15 Down Payment or the full $70 Tuition.
Vacation Bible School is Back
This summer from 6/27 - 6/29/22 mini-scientist’s will learn about the wonders of God through the impossible work that Jesus did while on Earth. VBS will run from 9am-12pm on each of the days. There is no cost and VBS is open to all kids from 4 - 5th grade. If interested in registering to be a part of this interactive experiment of God’s wonderful work though Jesus, please RSVP by June 5, 2022, by completing the VBS RSVP Form here.
Tickets Available Now
Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass in Concert
Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass will be appearing in concert at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 30 W. Chestnut St. Hanover, Pa. on Sunday, June 12 at 4:00pm. Free tickets are required for admission and can be ordered by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: “June Concert” St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 30 W. Chestnut St. Hanover, PA 17331. Please state the number of tickets you desire. The doors will open at 3:30pm. This concert is being presented in memory of Mary Moore.
Online Church Directory

St. Matthew is working on something new — an online church directory. It will be secure, easy to use and available for anyone who is registered and approved. But, if you prefer holding things you read in your own hands, don’t despair. Printed copies will also be available.
To help us compile and prepare all the necessary information to be included, please download the Information Form, which is a fillable pdf file (you will need to have Adobe Acrobat available), complete the form and submit it via eMail. Only that information which you include on the form and want to share will be included in the directory. You will also have the option to include your own photo or arrange to have a photo taken for you. If you prefer completing a hard copy, forms should also be available through the church office.
We need your help to complete the directory, so please remember to download the Information Form by clicking on this link.
What’s Happening at St. Matthew
Everything we have is a gift from God and we are called to be wise stewards of those gifts. One…
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