Message from Pastor Taylor
Happy September everyone! I committed a long time ago to an out-of-state wedding on September 5th, so my first weekend of worship with St. Matt’s won’t be until September 11th/12th. I’m sorry to miss you this weekend, but I couldn’t wait until mid-month to begin ministry, and I’ve enjoyed diving in with the incredible staff here since August 30th. As you all know better than I, they are extremely gifted, helpful, and patient. I’m a lucky gal!
I’m very excited for what God is up to in this community. We are so looking forward to Rally Day on October 3rd, when we expect our fall programming to be in full swing. We’re hoping that this slight delay will help us better assess safety and availability after schools have been in session for awhile. Keep an eye out for more details in the coming weeks about how to plug in!
Finally, I want to start getting to know you! If you’re interested, I’ve set up some times when you can sign up (on your own, or with a small group of family or friends) to host me for a meal- in your home, at your favorite local restaurant, or wherever you’d like! I only ask that if it’ll be a one-on-one meal that we meet somewhere public. You can sign up at this link online or call the office to schedule a time.
Pastor Taylor